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We have been manufacturing Threads, Yarns and Zippers for over 80 years, surprising customers with products with an excellent cost-benefit ratio and productivity to sew the best stories. Our mission is to strengthen relationships of trust through personalized, transparent and agile service, contributing to the success of companies.
In our store in Taguaí, which opened in 2020, we offer our entire product mix. We serve the northern region of Paraná, a large clothing distributor, and municipalities in São Paulo such as Taquarituba, Itapeva, Itaporanga, Itaí, Ourinhos, Paranapanema, Avaré, among others. There are several titles of threads and threads, in addition to the complete collection of metallic zippers, synthetic zippers and invisible synthetic zippers, in retail and wholesale.
Come visit us and learn more about the excellence and tradition of BONFIO products!