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Wevalue the plurality of our team
As well as the projects developed in partnership with other Institutions, it is part of BONFIO’s culture to work the Social Inclusion inside the company. We believe that diversity adds and helps teams to complement each other. If everybody thinks alike, which is the probability that we learn, grow and develop something different, right? Therefore, we value plurality.
For the company to produce with quality, a good organizational climate its extremely important. After all, those who make the institution are the employees. Inside our collaborative team, we have people with some disabilities that contributes and helps everyone involved to understand that each person is unique, has their particularities, and contributes to human development.
Attentionwith accessibility
In the process of recruiting and selection PWD (Persons with Disabilities), it is necessary to keep in mind that the requirements made are adequate to the restrictions that characterize those professionals. Therefore, we consider the possible limitations that fit with the role, without prejudice to daily tasks.
When setting up the hiring of the PWD, we evaluated the fundamental aspects of accessibility. The spaces are suitable for the work and movement of the employee, ensuring safety and autonomy.
Experienceand Education
Many professionals with disabilities didn’t have opportunities in the job market before the Quota Law. Despite this, we recognize the importance of offering training and qualification, so that the person acquires the indispensable knowledge, especially in situations where the accreditation of experience is part of the scope of the position.
This also happens with the issue of education, since several PWD candidates could not attend courses in certain areas, due to lack of accessibility. In this way, we apply fair analysis methods, which consider the specific contexts of those seeking the opportunity.
For the interview, we use appropriate instruments adapted to each type of disability. How to have the presence of a sign interpreter, in the case of deaf people or those accompanying candidates with intellectual disabilities. We also observe that the questions must be asked naturally, to highlight the full potential of the professional, as well as their limitations and needs.
Theintegration of professionals with disabilities
We understand that fundamental monitoring of professionals with disabilities because it ensures the integration of these employees into the new team and new routines of work.
For this, we reinforce our management style, in which the manager acts in a closer manner, guiding, helping, and clarifying doubts.
We also have practices that improve a culture of equality and respect, raising everyone's awareness and eliminating stereotypes and any type of discrimination.
YoungApprentices Program
In addition, we have the Young Apprentice Program, a project that aims to train young people and insert them into the labor market. Supported by the Apprenticeship Law, the program allows hiring young people between the ages of 14 and 24, with or without previous experience.
To participate, the young person must be enrolled in a preparatory apprenticeship course, with a time of duration 2 years at maximum. In this program, the student receives technical–professional training, that combines theoretical classes at the authorized institution and practical lessons held here at the company.
-The apprentice must be enrolled and attending school if he/she has not yet completed high school;
-Maintain the minimum frequency in theoretical and practical learning;
-Maintain satisfactory performance in theoretical and practical activities.
To enroll in the program, you just need to know the selection criteria and more details, directly at the Serviço de Orientação Multidisciplinar para Adolescentes de Americana (SOMA), responsible for the project. The candidate must submit a resume and do an interview.
I want to be a young apprentice
We closely monitor the rights and duties, paying attention to the fulfillment of LABOR rights and verifying the performance and assiduity of the apprentice.
Arriving at a company for the first time can be very challenging, especially if the young person lives in a reality with social vulnerability. For this reason, it must be important that they are welcommed from the beginning. When welcoming Apprentices, we try to be receptive. We introduce the company and our industry colleagues, answer questions about the physical space and explain the organizational culture. This integration helps to form a professional more qualified ambassador for our brand.