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Caring makes part of our culture
The actions of health and safety don´t have a restricted objective to attend only the municipal state or federal laws, but to create a culture indissoluble from the processes. BONFIO has a very strong safety culture. We transform the requirements into investments to generate more health and welfare, meeting all Regulatory Standards of Security and Occupational Medicine. In this way, we contribute effectively to the reduction of accidents and occupational diseases and increase the quality of health.
Employees in 1st place
Our CIPA (Comissão Interna de Prevenção de Acidentes - Internal Accident Prevention Commission) is active, providing directions and interventions when necessary and these actions aren´t restricted just to the group. We also have a team of professionals in each area: Safety Technicians, doctors, nurses, and
speech therapists for occupational health like partners, including mental health care. In addition, we annually execute the SIPAT - Semana Interna de Prevenção de Acidentes do Trabalho (Internal Prevention of Accidents at Work Week).
The company cares about the employees from the time when the person leaves their home and at the onboarding, we provide all the necessary information so that the employee can carry out their activity at BONFIO with calm. We have proud of having the lowest accidental rate, practically zero. And even if they happen, we make interventions for guidance to the whole team, immediately.
Strong culture
BONFIO understands that to achieve the privilege of an effective safety culture it is necessary to invest in training. We have an annual agenda of training conducted by specialists and a fully equipped room, where we perform practices and simulations monthly, including escape and emergency tests. This place is also where the admission onboarding of new employees takes place, reaffirming that from day one, our employees are already familiar with the entire Health and Safety program, which is always reinforced and updated through our “Point to Point” Program.
More than giving support to any worker, our biggest concern is to prevent situations and accidents, promoting the team’s well-being, with ethical practices, seriousness, and development with competence through careful projects.
In this way, we offer a set of solutions aimed at corporate, physical, and mental health, proposing intelligent solutions, and responding to monthly and annual agendas.
All activities and equipment are constantly monitored by the technical team, verifying the degree of risk and presenting the necessary documentation.
We also have a direct communication channel with the Management for any request regarding EPI’s (Personal Protective Equipment). Every day, new equipment is distributed to the team.
Same way, we have the Fire Brigade trained and capable of acting in the prevention, combating the beginning of the fire, evacuating the building, and providing life-saving first aid within the pre-established area.
All professionals are prepared to act in real cases of fire, chemical emergencies, or life-saving. Preventing labor accidents goes far beyond general compliance rules.
Health and Safety are factors of culture and behavior and at BONFIO they come in the first place. Please, send your suggestion to us so that we can improve more our practices, or register on the careers page and come build the future of fashion with us!