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Natural Cotton Line

Natural Cotton Line

BONFIO MOLE is a sewing thread produced with nobles or long 100% cotton fibers, indicated for use in the sewing of garments that will be dyed such as dresses, jackets and pants. It can also be used for tea sachets, filters, medical and surgical products.

This product’s main characteristic is the use of long-fiber cotton, giving it optimum resistance when in sews after dyeing.

BONFIO MOLE also stands out for having high performance lubrification developed with American technology, and using “Splicers” in the manufacturing process, responsible for differentiating the product in the market.

The special lubrification an the "Splicers" are innovative processes and BONFIO is one of only companies to use these technologies in Brazil.

Technical file
Product Diversity
Differentials, Features and Benefits
100% Peruvian Cotton
Line made with high quality fibers, suitable for practicing sports.
Large range of labels
Several label options available for the best use in each application.
No manual knots
The construction with splicing thread ensures absence of knots, uniformity and fewer seam stops.
Low retraction fiber
Provide greater sewing stability, absence of imperfections and wrinkles during processing.
Wide fibers
It has a higher strength and tenacity after dyeing and a controlled elongation of the sewing thread fibers.
Special lubrication
High performance lubrication developed with American technology. Improved performance at high rpm.
Increased strength, toughness and elongation
Higher productivity, less reprocessing and greater gains in strength, elasticity and durability.
Fair price and high machine performance. The application provides better sewing performance.
Twisted in double twist
High regular twist that guarantees uniformity without breakage. High yield and productivity, avoiding waste.
Technology and quality
Produced with the most modern technology and the same well-known quality standard of our products.
Manufacturing supervised by experts
All internal processes are supervised by specialists in the respective areas during all phases.
Fast shipping
Our fast and efficient delivery is a guarantee of convenience and scheduled production at the buyer's request.
Supply guarantee
We work with high production levels to guarantee continuous supply to our customers.
Full support to satisfy your post-purchase needs, through an effective policy and a transparent relationship.
Ecological products
We opt for harmonious socio-environmental choices. From the implementation of the structure, in the processes and in the communities.
Supply chain assurance
We control production throughout the entire chain, from the choice of partners to warehousing and distribution.
Adequate to tax regulations
Products and processes aligned with the fiscal and tax regulations established at all levels by the different entities of the Federation.
Compliance with environmental standards
We follow all recommended environmental standards for production processes and facilities.
Appropriate with labor standards
Company fully aligned, according to labor standards, established in the CLT by the Federal Constitution.
Adequate to INMETRO standards
The products comply the standards established by the National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology (INMETRO).
+55 (19) 3478 6333
+55 (19) 3478 6333
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