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Technical information
Zippers: Metallic, Synthetic and Invisible Synthetic
Structure and Components

Produced with the most modern technology and the same quality applied in Sewing Threads and Yarns, we dispose of zippers synthetic and metallic which attend the most demanding levels of quality and diversification of applications. Understand how it works the structure of zipper and which the components are used in the assembly.


1- Tape
2- Teeth
3- Pull
4- Bottom terminal
5- Top Tape Extension
6- Top terminal
7- Slider
8- Zipper Rack
9- Bottom tape extension


1 – Crown
2 – Slider Body
3 – Pull

Types of zippers
Tipos de Zíperes

Os zíperes BONZIP são sinônimo de qualidade, durabilidade, confiabilidade e resistência. São comercializados nas modalidades de Zíper Enfraldado, Zíper Fixo e Zíper Separável.

Zíper Enfraldado
A fita do zíper é contínua, não possuindo terminais nas extremidades. Desta forma, proporciona ao cliente a liberdade necessária para confeccionar o zíper do tamanho que preferir. É ideal para aplicações em bolsas, mochilas, carteiras, barracas, estofados e demais itens.

Zíper Fixo
O zíper é interligado por um terminal fixo, fazendo com que as duas fitas do zíper não se separem. É ideal para aplicações em calças, bolsos de jaquetas, vestidos, roupas infantis, botas, vestimentas esportivas e demais itens.

Zíper Separável
O zíper é interligado por um terminal separável, possibilitando com que as duas fitas do zíper se destaquem. Ou seja, quando a peça é aberta o zíper separa as partes e ao ser fechado as junta novamente. É ideal para aplicações em jaquetas, jalecos e demais itens que necessitam desprender uma ponta da outra.

Types of Sliders
Mola Plana

Possui mola plana, ou seja, quando o puxador fica perpendicular ao corpo do deslizador, livra-se a trava. Para acioná-lo, baixa-se o puxador paralelamente ao corpo do deslizador. É ideal para aplicações onde o zíper não deve ser aberto involuntariamente como calças, saias e etc.

Confira o uso desse produto:



Todos os deslizadores possuem trava automática, ou seja, quando é exercido tração no puxador, a trava libera e o cursor desliza pela espiral do zíper. Assim que é solto, a mola automaticamente trava o cursor novamente, ou seja, ele não se abre involuntariamente.

Confira o uso desse produto:

BONZIP Sintético

BONZIP Sintético Invisível

Types of tapes
Zipper Metallic

Os cadarços dos zíperes metálicos são fabricados a partir de fibras sintéticas de poliéster, apresentando maior durabilidade, solidez de cor e resistência superior aos concorrentes.

Cadarço de Poliéster
Ideal para diversos tipos de aplicações.

Cadarço Misto
Ideal para aplicações em peças que receberão o tingimento, pois sua fita absorve a cor, fazendo com que o zíper tenha a mesma tonalidade da peça final.

Cadarço Delavê
Ideal para aplicações em jeans, pois sua tonalidade acompanha o desgaste natural da peça.

Zipper Synthetic

Os cadarços dos zíperes sintéticos e sintéticos invisíveis são fabricados a partir de fibras sintéticas de poliéster que apresentam maior durabilidade, solidez de cor e resistência superior aos concorrentes.

Cadarço Poliéster
Ideal para todo o tipo de aplicação, possui ampla gama de cores para escolha, ajudando a personalizar ainda mais sua peça.

Types of Zipper Rack / Bath
Metallic Zippers

As cremalheiras são produzidas com componentes de alta qualidade, sua maior massa e menor distância entre os dentes resultam em um zíper mais robusto com excelente comportamento em lavanderia.

Types of spiral
Synthetic Zippers

As espirais são produzidas com componentes de alta qualidade, deixando o acabamento único e uniforme, garantindo o zíper com a maior durabilidade do mercado.

Poliéster Invisível
As espirais são produzidas com componentes de alta qualidade, recebem a mesma cor da fita, deixando o acabamento único e uniforme, garantindo o zíper com a maior durabilidade do mercado. Sua espiral fica virada para trás, dando o nome de invisível ao zíper por não aparecer como os zíperes comuns.

How to measure

To make a purchase, develop a model and apply the zipper is too much important to know how measure the item correctly.

A – From the head of the slider until the end of the bottom stop.
– Top stop: From the superior terminal until the end of the shoelace.

A - From the Head of slider until the terminal extreme bottom.
- Forth Head Tape: From the top stop until the tip of the shoelace.
- Back Head Tape: From the bottom stop until the tip of the shoelace.

Shaping the zipper code

The process of zipper codification is a little complex. However, you don´t worry to understand everything. Our representatives and sellers are ready to help our customers and elaborate the ordered. Understand which represents each letter:

Measurement tolerance

When measuring the length, considering the measure between the terminal bottom or the pieces separable until the higher slider, may occur some ranges that are tolerable, described in the table.

Length Metal/Polyester
Until 30cm +/- 4,0mm
Over 30cm until 60cm +/- 8,0mm
Over 60cm until 80cm +/- 10,0mm

Differentials, Features and Benefits
100% polyester ribbon, mixed or Delave ribbon
The 100% polished polyester webbing ensures a smooth webbing feel. The mixture is indicated for garments to be dyed (PT).
Wide color palette
There are several options available in our color palette. Choose the one that best suits with your product.
Color fidelity and reproducibility
Guaranteed color consistency and shade pattern, reproducing the shades in subsequent orders.
They have greater mass, with less distance between teeth relative to other brands, resulting in a more robust rack.
Amount of material superior to that of the competitors, which makes the slide more robust and heavy, with thick walls. It has greater strength and durability.
Unique tonality, enhancing the standard nuances to the zipper, with a differentiated finish.
Premium Allo
Produced with quality components, selected to promote better performance in the laundry, increasing the performance of the zipper.
Double Top Stop
Fixed after the first tooth, it ensures a better quality, raising the level of resistance. Prevents the slider from slipping off the part.
Strength, durability and finish
High resistance, durability and excellent finish, perfect to satisfy the most demanding customers.
Technology and quality
Produced with the most modern technology and the same well-known quality standard of our products.
Manufacturing supervised by experts
All internal processes are supervised by specialists in the respective areas during all phases.
Fast shipping
Our fast and efficient delivery is a guarantee of convenience and scheduled production at the buyer's request.
Supply guarantee
We work with high production levels to guarantee continuous supply to our customers.
Full support to satisfy your post-purchase needs, through an effective policy and a transparent relationship.
Ecological products
We opt for harmonious socio-environmental choices. From the implementation of the structure, in the processes and in the communities.
Supply chain assurance
We control production throughout the entire chain, from the choice of partners to warehousing and distribution.
Adequate to tax regulations
Products and processes aligned with the fiscal and tax regulations established at all levels by the different entities of the Federation.
Compliance with environmental standards
We follow all recommended environmental standards for production processes and facilities.
Appropriate with labor standards
Company fully aligned, according to labor standards, established in the CLT by the Federal Constitution.
Adequate to INMETRO standards
The products comply the standards established by the National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology (INMETRO).
Storage Care

To perform well, BONFIO products mustbe well cared for, monitored and stored, preventing degradation bymold, dirt, light, moisture, etc. After all, the wrong deposit of itdirectly impacts sewing performance.

Insufficientspace and time, lost labels and damaged packaging can damage storage:

Instructions for extending durability:
• Always keep the packages closed;
• Remove from the storage according the necessity;
• Large labels easy to read helps the comprehension;
• Don´t put food near because them could be attract animals and stain them;
• Check possible damages in the packages that have been stored for a longer time;
• Avoid the direct lighting, natural or artificial on products.

Local suggested:
• Clean and free of dust;
• To colaborate with the access, we recomended a warehouse near from the fabric;
• Avoid a polluted place. The presence of gases can yellowish white tones;
• In addition to the light, excessive temperatures and relative humidity could be damage products, making them to lose strength, the white ones turn yellow and colored being fade.

Reccomended environmental conditions:
• Temperature between 15˚C and 25˚C (50˚F and 77˚F);
• Humidity between 40% and 60%;

Following all those guidelines, the useful life cycle of the products can be extended.

Our brands
A BONFIO está presente no mercado com uma imensa variedade de produtos, voltados a atender com qualidade e de forma rápida, diferentes projetos e segmentos.
Core spun polyester yarn (polyester/polyester)
Textured polyamide yarn
Spun polyester tbread
Textured polyester yarn
Trilobal thread for embroidery
Treated cotton yarn for dyeing
Natural Cotton Line
Bonded nylon thread
Twisted textured polyester yarn
High tenacity thread with superior performance in quilting processes
Yarn produced with 100% Meta-Aramid fiber
Yarn produced with 100% Para-Aramid fiber
Premium Line for Flying Kites
+55 (19) 3478 6333
+55 (19) 3478 6333
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